Mission Work

        We seek to be living examples of Christ's love by serving our neighbors, not rushing to judgment, but asking how we can help. We view mission outreach as an integral part of who we are as we live our faith within our local and global communities.

        Besides providing financial resources, we provide manpower. Our "The Light Mission Team" has logged over 7000 hours over 14 trips to New Jersey, North and South Carolina and most recently Kentucky. Locally, we have worked on refurbishing a Woman's Help Center and continue projects for a nonprofit Equine Therapy Center. We have devoted many hours of work at Pine Springs Camp where our youth attend.

The emerging need to help those affected by drug addiction and recovery has become clear, and we have been participating in a program serving the recovering, which is sponsored by our Woman's' Club and Salvation Army. Moving forward, our hope is to achieve more of a presence in our immediate community through increased outreach.

        As we have felt called to lay foundations of faith, by serving others, we have grown togather, forming lasting friendships with fellow followers of Christ.


Request The Light Mission Team's Service

Need assistance or know somebody struggling to find help? Please contact us by filling out the form provided. To assist on upcoming mission trips, contact Bill Betz (724) 640-7523 or copy and paste in the description box: I'm interested in serving on mission!