Our vision is to be a beacon of light giving spiritual and physical support to our congregation, our community, and beyond through the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

        Our woman participate in monthly Presbyterian Woman's Circle where they have Bible study and support several Presbyterian Woman's outreach programs through special offerings. Our children attend our camp within the Presbytery. In a greater effort to fulfill our vision we formed a prayer team and pastoral care committee, both of which focus on the spiritual and physical needs of Christ's church and his people.

        While nurturing spiritual needs, we have felt the Holy Spirit moving us to address a variety of physical needs as well. A percentage of our annual budget goes to our mission team, to church camp support, to a caring ministry fund, and to several community outreach programs. We collect money for our local Food Bank and give assistance to our local ministerium and schools, both of which sponsor programs which help needy.

        Members of our congregation as well as their friends give freely of their time, talents, and money to various programs within the church and beyond, hoping that people will see God's light shining through us.

 Join us for Weekly Wednesday Bible Study

(10am in person; 7pm on Zoom!)

Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 862 9025 0820

Passcode: Trinity